
Privacy policy

SoCreek website policy


Thank you for using our social media followers website SoCreek. This policy

describes the terms and conditions that govern your use of our services. By clicking on the

by accessing and using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

to comply with. We reserve the right to change this policy at any time and without prior

to update or change the information on this website without prior notice.

Responsibilities of the users:

1. information on the account:

o Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including

of the passwords.

o Users should notify the website immediately of any unauthorized access to

inform your account.

2. compliance with the regulations for social media platforms:

o When using our services, users must comply with the terms and conditions and

Comply with the guidelines of the respective social media platforms.

o The website is not responsible for actions taken by social networks.

media platforms based on the activities of the users.


1. followers and engagement:

o The website offers services to increase followership and the

Increase engagement on social media. Users recognize that there are

these are external services that do not provide specific results.


2. payment and refund:

o Users undertake to pay the specified fees for the services.


o Refunds are subject to our refund guidelines, which are set out in our

can be updated at our discretion.

3. prohibited activities:

o Users may not participate in activities that violate the

violate the terms of use of social media platforms.

o The website prohibits the use of its services for illegal or unethical purposes.


Data protection and data security:

1. data collection:

o The website may collect user data for the purpose of providing services.

collect and store data. The use of this data is described in our

Data Protection Policy.

2. data security:

o The website takes appropriate security measures to protect the

User data. However, users recognize that no system is completely

is safe.

Intellectual property:

1. ownership of the content:

o Users retain ownership of their accounts and content on social media.


o The website remains the owner of its services, including software,

design and all proprietary information.

2. use of content:

o The users grant the website the right to use their social media content.

exclusively for the purpose of providing services.

Termination of services:

1. termination by the users:

o Users can stop using the services of the website at any time.

2. termination through the website:

o The Website reserves the right to terminate services and user accounts at any time.

to block or delete the website if the guidelines are violated or if

there are illegal or unethical activities.

Disclaimer of liability:

The website is not connected to any social media platform. We do not guarantee

continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to our services, and the operation

of the website may be affected by numerous factors beyond our control.

Contact information:

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us

under support@socreek.com.

By using the website, you agree to abide by these guidelines.

follow. The website reserves the right, in the event of a breach of these

guidelines to take appropriate legal action.